May I suggest one correction - it's a myth to say that taxes are low. Texas gas no income tax, but property taxes are sky high. Locals have a saying - you just think you own a home, but you don't. You're simply renting it from the property taxing authorities.

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This is true, and our taxes are also regressive via high sales taxes on essentials. I read an article on Forbes recently that did all the calculations; it turns out the average family in Texas has a higher tax burden to the state, county & local govt than an average family in California, with much less services to show for it! However, for corporations, millionaires and billionaires, the reverse is true.

Have a typical Texas mansion sitting on more than an acre? Stick a cow on it and you get a huge tax break! Plus, you can get someone to care for the cow, your landscaping, your pool, to clean your home (and high-rise office building) plus nanny the kids on the cheap! For a state that claims to hate undocumented immigrants, rich Texans sure love to hire them! Two-thirds of our restaurants and hotels (plus all our farms, cattle ranches, meat packing plants & more) would shutter without them. It would take a year to build a new home and cost at least twice as much instead of the usual 3 months, due to lack of labor.

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There are no rational explanations for the GOP’s anti-christian, fascist, misogynistic and racist actions other than that’s the goal and the followers don’t want to think for themselves, but be told what to do. Its easier for them that way. It’s all FUBAR.

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The scared of limited power who feel they are losing influence always love autocrats. They are rarely the target of the monsters.

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You hit upon each topic splendidly and I much appreciated the article. I support you as an amazing journalist. Wish I could leave also.

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I live in Texas and you nailed it. Texas is a corrupt plutocracy where government and so called Christian leaders work hand in hand to keep the masses, particularly people of color and women, as powerless underpaid serfs or cannon fodder without access to the social services or legal protections most folks in other states take for granted, or producers of both. Schools mis-educate, “Christians” discriminate, billionaires manipulate, and corporations and malpracticing physicians get away with literal murder due to tort reform. And, you are right, this is the current Republican ideal for the nation.

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And Greg Abbott is grateful he now can keep Texas, Texas.

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And tonight we will see how many clowns burn down the tent when the returns come in.

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Did you hear Bill Maher's closing monologue this past Friday? He is forecasting the demise of democracy. He calls it all the time as does Michael Moore. But no one takes them to heart and so not even the moderate Republicans or independents will vote the Democratic ticket just to preserve sanity (and democracy) and that is the travesty of this. God forbid their taxes go up or something that affects their wallet or sensibilities. People say "oh it can't happen here"...it is happening here and they are going to wake up one day and wish they listened but it will be too late, it is too late. We are that arrogant and arrogance will land us in a country where every liberty is chipped away until we look like Putin's Russia. Like Bill Maher said, "Hitler was voted in". As was Putin.

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That’s the reality of what we are facing. I never thought I would see this in my lifetime. And just like with Hitler, the rich let the clown in so they could make more money, and let the monster appeal to the popular hatreds to get it accomplished. Then they lost control of him. So familiar now.

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Texas just depressed because, as you indicate, it represents the entire country's future. Just wait until the Supreme Court blesses the "Independent State Legislature" theory, thereby guaranteeing that there will never again be a remotely competitive election in any red states, or even many "purple" states.

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You're right. We are definitely on the precipice of the end of democracy. The Republicans love to cite the Founders, while destroying everything they fought for. The Supreme Court has destroyed America, working hand in hand with the GOP.

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A sick and twisted future that I suspect even George Orwell could not have conceived. RIP USA. :(

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When I was there and watched it collapse beginning in 2016, I couldn't believe what emerged from the dark corners. It is truly a hellhole, and I know this is where we are a country are headed. George Orwell would be horrified.

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excellent article.

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Thank you.

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i follow you on twitter--for now & FB. i'm here in Dallas. i need voices of reason for this insane time.

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I was there until May. We decided we needed to get out.

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i understand, i was born here. if i were way younger, i'd leave not sure where, but would be gone.

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I lived in Texas from 1976 to 1987. It was run by relatively sane people then, but the morons running the state are incompetent at everything, including guaranteeing the safety of schoolchildren and even keeping the power on during a cold snap. I am now in Ohio, and I see some of the same problems here also.

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ohio has me concerned after Vance being elected. our country is infected by people who only want power for themselves while doing nothing for the rest of us.

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