Make even a small donation to a candidate and you are likely to find yourself deluged with requests for money from that candidate and others as well; it appears that they share information on donations from individuals. All because money buys access to voters' attention via infomercials that turn into campaign ads when the last line is "I'm Joe Blow and I approve this message."

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I wish Dems could have passed a Voter's Right bill. It's all too late now.

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I fear we will never have the chance to do that again. Unfortunately, the combination of the overwhelming role of money, the special rights of the rich, the craving for autocracy, and a corrupt Supreme Court have all led to a situation where I fear that America as we know it is over.

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We have the exact situation that the late right wing billionaire H.L. Hunt advocated for in his 1950s self-published novel “Alpaca,” which was one dollar, one vote. The Democrats need to redevelop their state parties from the ground up.

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how will we ever get all this $$$ out of elected officials and now the courts? the whole thomas thing is unnerving given how involved she is with these far right groups & she sounds like she's not mentally stable any how to be one to so easily follow these cult type orgs. it's unnerving that not more is pushed into the arena for this to be more of a hot discussion.

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Ginny Thomas is a cultist. She was in one in the past, and whatever personality defect led her to seek out that cult has drawn her into the much more dangerous QAnon cult, complete with their Trump worship. Given how things now stand, I fear we will never be able to limit money in campaigns again. The court is corrupt, the Republicans work solely for the rich - while simultaneously ginning up the hate and passions of the mob in order to keep delivering to the rich. Greed and the passion for power has derailed this country. All of us will have to work together - hard - to defeat this threat.

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i wish i had your optimism, after today, it's just gone. seeing known liars like Huckabee Sanders get elected, there is no low. the need for power & control over people is not making me feel warm & fuzzy either. I thought 1968 was insane, but these last 5-6 years have taken a totally different toll on the country than anything i remember in 68. I'm not sure how we can recover as it seems we keep sinking to a new low every day & there are so many that take pride in that.

I read up on her past, she's clearly not a very strong individual to allow herself to be led around the way she does, but she's well-connected, has influence & here we are. Thomas needs to be removed from the bench for not recusing, but that will never happen either.

today is another bad day for this country.

keep on writing...i need to hear sane voices.

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